I’m passionate about design and its ability to instill awareness and inspire action. I believe the best design is not just a pretty picture, but an elegant combination of word and image that communicates more than the sum of its parts.
I’ve spent 15+ years helping my clients expand their reach. In San Francisco, I worked at the nation’s top voluntary renewable energy supplier, increasing peoples knowledge about the impact of their electricity use and inspiring them to take action. My efforts helped drive more than a dozen F500 companies and 170,000 utility customers to choose renewable energy.
In New York, I led digital marketing design for my agency’s top client, American Express. Combining a clean, elegant design aesthetic with strategic testing and dynamic personalized content, my work increased engagement by up to 50%. 
In this journey, I’ve served as a marketing & creative director, UX designer, strategist, project manager and copywriter on projects ranging from website development to mobile email design.
I’ve worked with many brands including: American Express, Starbucks, Four Seasons, Carters, McDonalds, NBA, Voss Water, PacifiCorp and Dominion.
I enjoy spending time outside, anything that involves the sun or the beach, practicing yoga, and getting inspired by my fellow creatives.
To read recommendations from my former colleagues, see my LinkedIn profile
If you're interested in working together, contact me and I'll be in touch!
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