Plenti was a unique coalition marketing program that allowed members to earn points at one participating retailer and use them at another. Launch efforts gained little traction because consumers didn’t understand how the program worked or who participated; so the owners came to our agency to step back and recalibrate.
We developed a strategic welcome series of emails featuring simple, clear “how it works” messaging. As the design lead on the account, my team created banner ads, trigger emails based on point usage, a monthly statement, special themed offers, and more.
Here is the monthly statement email where members receive a summary of their activity over the prior month. The tone is friendly and approachable, utilizing first name personalization to draw in the member. The design is simple with few words, allowing for easy scanning and understanding.

The prominent "Tip For You" directs the member to their next appropriate action based on the members account balance and recent activity. For example, if the members point balance is low (<200) they are reminded they can convert points to savings as soon as they reach 200, thereby encouraging additional point earning behavior such as spending at participating retailers.

As nearly every piece of content is dynamic and personalized to the member, every piece of content is also responsive to all screen sizes.